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The future of NFTs with Unique Network

12. Juli 2021 @ 19:00 - 20:00

- Kostenlos

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On Monday the 12. of July, we are very much looking forward to Irina Karaguyas talk about the future of NFTs. The very first application of NFTs is the Art Industry. To help this application move forward towards mainstream adoption, Irina works at unique, where they work on the problem, that the Crypto art industry is missing the demand for high quality artists and lack of efficient (non-crypto) buyers. Crypto art and blockchain are new concepts for non-crypto background artists in general, and most of them need to understand the rationale behind it and process to create new pieces.

They see great potential for onboarding a new generation of young artists with coding capabilities (artists that create crypto art who are also crypto savvy), generative artists (the group of artists that use AI/ algorithms as creation tool eg. Mario Klingeman) and more traditional Artists (digital artists who create art in digital forms, eg. Digiway).

The crypto and digital art community needs events that help enlarge its art community around and the tools being developed for them and their creations. At Unique Network they believe that basic NFT tools must be available to every creator, hence they created a freemium model and easy-to-implement white label suite that every artist can use without needing to worry about knowing anything about blockchain, tokens, and gas fees.

However UNIQUE FOCUS also includes unprecedented, advanced features that help unleash full potential of creators in different industries (art, gaming, and others)

  • Economic Models
  • Re-fungibility
  • Scheduling
  • Nested NFTs (Bundling and structuring)


Irina Karagyaur focuses on the implementation of Blockchain technology for business and on creating awareness of the importance of the Internet of Value. Irina is the Head of Metaverse Growth at Unique Network, which is a NFT chain for Kusama and Polkadot.

Irina is also active as a Polkadot Head Ambassador for Western Europe, Regional Co-Chair London to FIBREE (Foundation for International Blockchain and Real Estate Expertise), and a Chairperson for Global Council for The Promotion of International Trade, SDGs Global Impact Startups GCPIT UK.

Irina co-founded Design B2C in London, UK, a crypto fintech boutique advisory that focuses on DeFi, Web 3.0 services, NFT’s, and real estate tokenization. Advisory designs strategies and workshops to support real estate companies, family offices, charities, and fintech companies wanting to unleash the opportunities of the third generation blockchains and Web3 technologies.

With over 10 years of experience, she has established herself as an international business development professional in strategic partnerships, analysis of foreign markets, business planning, and go-to-market strategy design in the UK, EU, and Russia across a broad spectrum of industries. Irina holds a BArch from the Southern Federal University in Russia and a MSc in Urban Planning and Policy Design from Politecnico di Milano, Italy.

Über den Blockchain Monday

Die Blockchain-Technologie wird unsere Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft in den nächsten Jahren nachhaltig verändern. Sie wollen wissen wie? Sie wollen wissen, was das mit Ihrer Branche zu tun hat und wie Sie umgehen sollen?

In unserer Veranstaltungsreihe “Blockchain Monday” beleuchten wir zusammen mit Experten und Referenten aus den jeweiligen Fachgebieten, welche Chancen und Risiken die Technologie in Bezug auf eine spezifische Branche oder einen bestimmten Bereich unserer Gesellschaft bringt.

Die Veranstaltungen richten sich an interessierte Bürgerinnen und Bürger, Geschäftsleute sowie Menschen die in Politik und Zivilgesellschaft Verantwortung übernehmen. Auch für Experten bietet sich die Gelegenheit, neue Aspekte der Blockchain kennenzulernen, Ideen auszutauschen und sich themenspezifisch zu vernetzen.


12. Juli 2021
19:00 - 20:00


Bucerius Law School, Raum 2.28 (Heinz Nixdorf Hörsaal)
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Hanseatic Blockchain Institute
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12. Juli 2021
19:00 - 20:00


Bucerius Law School, Raum 2.28 (Heinz Nixdorf Hörsaal)
Veranstaltungsort-Website anzeigen


Hanseatic Blockchain Institute
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