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On Monday the 19. of July, we are very much looking forward to Eléonore Blancs talk about the Fall of the Lebanese Pound and the subsequent use case for cryptocurrencies. Lebanon was once considered the Swiss bank of the Middle East. However, in 2019, a nexus of political and socio-economic factors plunged the country into its worst liquidity crisis. The Lebanese pound has since devalued more than 90% while inflation hit a sad record of 158% in March 2021. Any hope? Cryptocurrencies could be a tool to empower the people from the current financial measures. Bypassing the ever-tightening policies of the Banque du Liban, which have entrapped its citizens under stricter capital control. Tune in to learn more about the Lebanese economic situation and how cryptocurrencies could make a difference for the people of a failed state.
Eléonore Blanc – Founder of the CryptoCanal and Crypto & blockchain educator.
The cryptocurrency industry is made of visionaries and ruthless money makers, the perfect mix for a monetary revolution, and Eléonore is all in. Thrilled to be part of an ongoing social and financial experiment, she’s passionate about p2p cash, voluntarism and economic freedom. In 2019, she founded CryptoCanal, to offer education, marketing and business development services. She has worked with industry leaders such as BTC.com, Luno, OKEx, Bitcoin.com, Cyber Capital, Satoshi’s Angels and HubSecurity. She also teaches a monthly Crypto 101 event, and offers an in-depth class for more advanced cryptocurrency investors.
Über den Blockchain Monday
Die Blockchain-Technologie wird unsere Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft in den nächsten Jahren nachhaltig verändern. Sie wollen wissen wie? Sie wollen wissen, was das mit Ihrer Branche zu tun hat und wie Sie umgehen sollen?
In unserer Veranstaltungsreihe “Blockchain Monday” beleuchten wir zusammen mit Experten und Referenten aus den jeweiligen Fachgebieten, welche Chancen und Risiken die Technologie in Bezug auf eine spezifische Branche oder einen bestimmten Bereich unserer Gesellschaft bringt.
Die Veranstaltungen richten sich an interessierte Bürgerinnen und Bürger, Geschäftsleute sowie Menschen die in Politik und Zivilgesellschaft Verantwortung übernehmen. Auch für Experten bietet sich die Gelegenheit, neue Aspekte der Blockchain kennenzulernen, Ideen auszutauschen und sich themenspezifisch zu vernetzen.