🗓 Datum: 04.09.2023
🕞 Uhrzeit: 19-20 Uhr CEST
💻 Ort: Zoom
Über den folgenden Link kannst Du Dich anmelden: https://www.eventbrite.de/e/blockchain-monday-online-tickets-675874798717
Oder Du trittst dem Meeting am Montag um 19 Uhr über diesen Zoom Link bei: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81175458594
Bis Montag!
In the digital age, seamless communication is of central importance. However, current solutions are predominantly closed ecosystems that do not allow for cross-platform message exchange. The interoperability of messaging platforms, i.e., the ability to communicate seamlessly regardless of the application being used, is currently the subject of extensive discussions and potential changes.
As the EU takes a new direction with the interoperability rule of the DMA (Digital Markets Act), major messaging platforms are called upon to ensure the interoperability of their services with those of competitors.
The dm3 protocol is a web3-based, decentralized, and open Layer-0 messaging protocol ready to connect messaging services and protocols with each other without compromising the security and confidentiality of existing platforms, thereby enabling a connected messaging ecosystem.
Steffen Kux is the CEO of dm3 protocol, a web3-based, decentralized, and open Layer-0 messaging protocol. Using dm3, messaging services and protocols are intended to be interconnected without jeopardizing the security and confidentiality of existing platforms.
🗓 Date: 04.09.2023
🕞 Time: 19-20 Uhr CEST
💻 Location: Zoom
You can register via the following link: https://www.eventbrite.de/e/blockchain-monday-online-tickets-675874798717
Or you can join the meeting on Monday at 7pm via this Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81175458594
See you on Monday!