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Blockchain Monday: Blockchain for sustainable development

28. Juni 2021 @ 19:00 - 20:00

- Free

Please click on the following link to enter the virtual meeting room. The room opens 5 minutes before the webinar starts:

Digital technologies can enable breakthrough innovations in many areas, including humanitarian work and development aid. Not surprisingly, developing countries have long been a preferred test-bed for emerging digital solutions.

Technologies like blockchain can indeed be a driver of social innovation in areas such as healthcare, financial participation, energy, climate and environment, philanthropy and charity, democracy, agriculture or land ownership. Moreover, blockchain has the potential to accelerate progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG).

Ideally, digitalisation offers developing countries the opportunity to catch up more quickly with highly developed economies (leapfrogging). However, digital transformation can also widen the digital divide and put pressure on lower-income economies.

In this talk, Martin Breitsprecher will give an overview of current blockchain use cases in the development cooperation sector. He will look at key issues, opportunities and risks of this technology and discuss the potential of harnessing blockchain for sustainable development.

The presentation will be held in English as a live online webinar. The participation is free of charge.


Martin Breitsprecher is a digital entrepreneur and blockchain expert from Hamburg. As a strategy consultant, he supports companies in the development and implementation of digital transformation initiatives (Blockruption). In recent years, he has worked with various organisations from the field of development cooperation on blockchain projects. He is a lecturer for university courses on blockchain and member of the board of the Hanseatic Blockchain Institute.

About the Blockchain Monday

Blockchain technology will change our economy and society in the coming years. You want to know how? You want to know what this has to do with your industry and how you should deal with it?

In our „Blockchain Monday“ series of events, together with experts and speakers from their respective specialist areas, we examine the opportunities and risks that technology brings with regard to a specific industry or a specific area of our society.

The events are aimed at interested citizens, business people and people who assume responsibility in politics and civil society. Experts will also have the opportunity to learn about new aspects of the blockchain, exchange ideas and network on specific topics.


28. Juni 2021
19:00 - 20:00


Bucerius Law School, Raum 2.28 (Heinz Nixdorf Hörsaal)
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Hanseatic Blockchain Institute
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28. Juni 2021
19:00 - 20:00


Bucerius Law School, Raum 2.28 (Heinz Nixdorf Hörsaal)
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Hanseatic Blockchain Institute
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