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On Monday the 21. of June, we are very much looking forward to Dr. Erol Users talk on Blockchain for Circular Economys. In his talk, he will explain to us, how Blockchain could turn the Circular Economy into a developed ecosystem by offering product assurance and active incentivization. He will hereby particularly focus on how a Blockchain’s design supports two main uses for the Circular Economy – proving product origins and incentivizing positive behavioral change. The BloMo will be moderated by Moritz Schildt and is free for everyone to enter 🙂
Dr. Erol User: Multi-Award-winning entrepreneur, veteran businessman, philanthropist, business/financial coach and educator, Erol User is one of Turkish’s pioneering game changers in the business world. Born in Istanbul, in 1960, User brings over 30 years’ experience in a wide range of industries and sectors. As a distinguished entrepreneur, and Blockchain Analyst, he brings a proven track record and demonstrated excellence to transform digital services in the fields of Investment Banking, Energy, Blockchain, Cryptocurrency, Mergers, Acquisitions, Privatizations and IT. Mr. User is currently the President and CEO of User Corporation, – a world-leading investment banking company, offering advisory services both to Turkish and International companies. He is a graduate of Economic Sciences with double majors in Business Administration and Finance from Istanbul University. As someone who loves to broaden his knowledge of study, Mr. User holds; an MBA degree from Harvard Business School, a postgraduate degree in International Leadership from Sophia University, Japan, an MSc degree in Renewable Energy from Vienna Technical University. He has also obtained a postgraduate degree in Blockchain Strategy from Oxford Said Business School and in Cryptocurrency and Disruption from the London School of Economics (LSE),in Blockchain Technologies from MIT Sloan School. Seeking to impact his passion to many, he has written many books on Economy, Energy, Internet of Things ,Crypto Money and Blockchain.
Über den Blockchain Monday
Die Blockchain-Technologie wird unsere Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft in den nächsten Jahren nachhaltig verändern. Sie wollen wissen wie? Sie wollen wissen, was das mit Ihrer Branche zu tun hat und wie Sie umgehen sollen?
In unserer Veranstaltungsreihe “Blockchain Monday” beleuchten wir zusammen mit Experten und Referenten aus den jeweiligen Fachgebieten, welche Chancen und Risiken die Technologie in Bezug auf eine spezifische Branche oder einen bestimmten Bereich unserer Gesellschaft bringt.
Die Veranstaltungen richten sich an interessierte Bürgerinnen und Bürger, Geschäftsleute sowie Menschen die in Politik und Zivilgesellschaft Verantwortung übernehmen. Auch für Experten bietet sich die Gelegenheit, neue Aspekte der Blockchain kennenzulernen, Ideen auszutauschen und sich themenspezifisch zu vernetzen.