Blockchance Conference 2019 key topics are the future of economics and the future of society. It creates a platform for the exchange of knowledge, experience and success. It shows deep insights into the distributed ledger technology and blockchain universe. The conference will open its doors for corporate partners, innovators, developers, investors, politicians, media and an interested public for two days with an inspiring mix of expert talks, panel discussions, breakout sessions, exhibition zone and networking breaks.
We got a voice:
Hamburg’s First Mayor Peter Tschentscher as honorary patron – quote: „Blockchance Conference 2019 in the Chamber of Commerce brings the international blockchain industry to Hamburg. As a patron, I am pleased to open the event in order to present to the world our Hanseatic city as a digital and innovation location.“
- Prestigious Chamber of Commerce as venue
- Expo area in the hall of the former Hamburg stock exchange
- Blockchain theater play during the conference
- Blockchance Conference magazine ‘Hamburg got a voice’
- Editorial supervised livestream
- VIP and Speakers dinner and roof top breakfast
- Intense regional, national and worldwide press releases and press conferences
- One-week supporting program with Blockchance Campus Grand Opening, Blockchain and Cyber Security courses and much more 1.500+ exhibition guests, 750+ attendees, 40+ int. speaker and 30+ exhibitors
More information: http://blockchance.eu
Tickets: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/blockchance-conference-hamburg-2019-tickets-52255583858