Join this Blockchain Monday webinar to learn more about how a blockchain based voting system could improve our current democratic elections. Currently, we are witnessing a global decrease in the democratic system adoption. At the very same time trust in the election system diminishes wherefore re-establishing trust in this esential mechanism of democracy becomes a crucial task to strengthen democratic values in a global competition between autocracy and democracy.
Herefore, the blockchain technology enables the design of new election systems that deliver improved proofs and enhanced usability. In this Blockchain Monday we will explore the possibilities a blockchain based voting system may establish.
Our Speaker:
Tom Haverland (usually the organiser of the weekly blockchain monday sessions) now takes over the speaker’s slot to present to you the findings of his recent bachelor thesis „A Descriptive Analysis of a Blockchain Based Voting System That Enables a Proof of Vote Inclusion“.
I am looking forward to seeing you online next monday 🙌